Theme Features
This demo page highlights the main features of Flat theme.
[button style=“large rounded flat“ link=““]Get Flat Theme Now[/button]
Builder Rows
What you see on this page is constructed with Builder modules. The Builder modules comes with styling panels that allows you to customize the color, font, padding, margins, and background on each module. For this row we used a Text module in Heading 3, to display this text.
Themify Builder
Themify Builder provides easy to use user interface which allows you to arrange the content blocks on the frontend by dragging and dropping. In other words, what you see is what you get. The content blocks can be built using various modules: Text, Slider, Video, Image, Post, Gallery, Tab, Accordion, Menu, etc.
[button style=“large rounded flat black“ link=““]Builder Demos[/button]
Showcase your work with Portfolio custom post type. You can display either image slider or a single featured image.
Attract viewer attention by showing animated circle Feature modules (great for highlighting services or product features).
Progress Bar
Progress bar can be used to show animated color bars such as team member skills or status bars. You can customize the color, label text, and the length of the bar.
•Started freelancing.Aug.2010
•Launched Themify
•Themify redesign started
•Themify redesign main layout done
•Themify Builder launched
Show off your team member skills with animated color bars
Amy WeaverProject Manager
Maecenas luctus aliquet risus ac feugiat. Curabitur enim mi, placerat sit amet porttitor ac, mollis lobortis elit. Cras sit amet erat eget dolor varius tristique. Duis eu nisl tortor. Mauris pulvinar metus eget nulla adipiscing consectetur.
Jacqueline WillisWeb Designer
Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. dolor quis sollicitudin accumsan, elit turpis tempor est mattis.
Customer Testimonials can be displayed in various layouts: slider, grid, and list post style.
Seven blog layout options are available from list post style to various grid layouts
[list_posts limit=“3″ style=“list-post circle-image“ image_w=“145″ image_h=“145″ display=“excerpt“ post_date=“no“]
Beautifully Designed
Flat theme is beautifully designed & coded with many visual effects such as: fade-in, fly-in, animated bar, circle animation, etc.
[button link=““ style=“flat rounded xlarge red“]GET IT NOW[/button]